Robert KEREZI (D351-SLO) – original
“This MDS PERU has been hot right from the start of my preparation!” says the Slovenian Robert Kerezi with a big smile and shining eyes. After winning his free registration for the event in a lottery organised by the 100 Miles of Istria, Robert had only 3 weeks to “find sponsors, purchase my plane tickets and my equipment, and train specifically for the event”. All that while working 8 hours a day in a library for children and caring for his own three kids (7, 12 and 13) – together with his wife. “It was a real race before the race, but I was able to do everything in due time and to find enough generous donators to cover all my expenses.”
After 20 years of road cycling, Robert only started trail running 2 years ago and took part in his first ultras in 2017. For his first experience in the desert, he is surprised to have “such good results. I was afraid about the hot sun and the backpack – it’s almost 12,8 kg on the start line, and I only had 10 days to train specifically with it. But I’m still alive!” Even the long stage didn’t stop the Slovenian, who had decided to “go slowly and drink a lot of water.”
When he’s not running, Robert enjoys reading books and taking pictures. He also likes spending time with his family – especially going outside in nature, hiking or visiting places. For his efforts here, he is receiving a lot of support, especially from his wife with whom he is “exchanging many SMSs…that is, when I have network coverage, which is actually quite rare here in this desert.” Upon his return in Slovenia, Robert will be very happy to share his Peruvian adventure – “an experience of a lifetime” – with his supportive colleagues, his donators and his children: “I’m not sure they perfectly understand what I’m doing here, but when they eventually do, I hope they’ll be proud of what I did.”
“Marathon Des Sables je življenjska izkušnja”
Robert Kereži (D351_SLO)
“Marathon Des Sables (MDS) mi je bil usojen že od začetka,” pravi Robert Kereži iz Slovenije z velikim nasmehom in sijočimi očmi. Po tem, ko mu je sreča v žrebu za glavno nagrado hrvaškega traila 100 Milj Istre prinesla prijavnino za MDS Peru, je imel namreč zgolj slabe tri tedne, da poišče sponzorje, kupi letalsko karto in posebno opremo ter prilagodi trening novemu izzivu. Ob tem ga je čakalo še osem ur dela v knjižnici na otroškem oddelku, kjer je zaposlen, in skrb za tri otroke (7, 12, 14), ki jih imata z ženo. “Prava tekma s časom se je tako začela že pred peščenim maratonom, a nam je kljub temu uspelo najti dovolj sponzorjev ter donatorjev, da smo v večini pokrili nepričakovane stroške.”
Po dvajsetih letih cestnega kolesarjenja, se je Robert za tek odločil šele pred dvema letoma, z ultra maratoni pa začel letos. Zato je ob prvi preizkušnji v puščavi upravičeno presenečen nad “dobrim rezultatom. Bal sem se vročega sonca in teže nahrbtnika. Na začetku tekme je namreč tehtal kar 12, 8 kg in imel sem samo 10 dni, da telo s treningom navadim nanj. Ampak – še sem živ!” Celo najdaljša etapa ni ustavila Slovenca, ki se je odločil, da bo “šel počasi in pil veliko vode”.
Ko ne teče, bere in fotografira. Najraje pa je z družino v naravi ali na raziskovalnem potepu po drugih mestih. Ob hudih naporih na MDS, mu ob strani stojijo številni, posebej žena, s katero “si izmenjujeva SMS … Ko uspem ujeti signal, kar je v puščavi res redko.”
Ob vrnitvi v Slovenijo, bo vesel, da bo perujsko avanturo – “življenjsko preizkušnjo” – lahko delil z otroci, sodelavci, donatorji: “Nisem prepričan, da povsem razumejo, kako težko je tukaj. Ko bodo dojeli, upam, da bodo ponosni na moj dosežek.”